Sunday, March 2, 2025

Camino Portugues Day 4: Golega to Tomar

My brain is dead and my feet are throbbing.  Just back from a nice dinner with Francisco and Jeanne where I was unable to eat.  Food would not go down.  I was hungry.  I wanted to eat but I could not swallow.  I brought it home and will likely wolf it down at 3am.

My third 30+km killed me.  My poor feet just don't have enough recovery time.  They are raw and blistered on the bottoms from walking in wet socks.  Compeed is helping to keep my feet from coming right off.

I woke about 7am and got my stuff together and left. The horse hotel was quite nice. I was walking towards the Camino and saw Francisco on coming the other direction.  He said his route was back the way I'd come.  We walked past my place to a cafe.

His route took us on dirt roads before bringing up to the main route.  We saw Jeanne as we got near to the main route.

The first 11km were uneventful other than an abandoned Templar castle/house.  It must have been something when it was maintained.

Atalaia was coffees and snacks.  Shortly after leaving town the route turned down a fire road in eucalyptus groves.  It also got steep.  The next 7km was a lot of up and down.  It wore us down.

The next 11km were brutal for Jeanne and myself.  Francisco was ok but we were both really hurting.  My feet felt like the soles were being ripped off.  I was not getting enough recovery time.  The successive 30km days meant we were walking over 10 hours and not getting in until 5 or 6pm.  I needed a break and told Jeanne I was going to take a taxi to the next stop tomorrow.  She said she had decided the same.  

We continued into Tomar in pain but looking forward to a rest day.  We had beers at a tapas bar beside their hostel and just 5 buildings down from mine.

Francisco arranged a taxi for us in the morning.

At my hotel, which is quite nice, I curled up in a little ball for an hour and a half before meeting for dinner.  I was a zombie during dinner.  After passing out writing this and getting a few hours sleep I hope I didn't get some food poisoning.

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Camino Portugues Day 13: São João da Madeira to Porto

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