Friday, October 7, 2022

Day 6 - Estella to Torres del Rio

I slept to my 6:30am alarm, yay!  Before bed I had booked a place in Torres del Rio about 29km for the day so I knew it was going to be a longer one.

For some reason I didn't understand, the lights in my room stopped working in the night and I was operating in the dark.  Fortunately I had my bike light and was able to pack up.  I was out the door at 7:45, got a cafe con leche and a croissant for 3€ at 8:15 and was drinking wine at the famous wine fountain a few minutes later.

Dennis passed by and acted as my conscious so I only had one glass in my water bottle.  The rest of the day I tasted wine every time I drank.  I caught up to Dennis and we walked and talked for a long time.  We were only a few km from Los Arcos when Mark joined us but I was fading a bit and needed to slow down so they went on and I took a little break.

In Los Arcos I got food and all the characters were there.  Some were staying there and some were going further.  When I left alone and slow to do the final 8km I had the Camino mostly to myself.  Early on Jose, Olmo and the Italian gang passed me.  I plodded on and saw no one else until nearly the end.  

It was nice to have the trail to myself.  I could see the town off in the distance and it got closer and closer.  Torres del Rio and its sister, Sansol, across the river from each other.  Both have high towers that can be seen far off.

I arrived at my albergue tired.  Just behind me came in Australian Michael K.  I owed him a beer from Puenta La Reina so we had a few at the albergue patio bar.  Between beers we found our bunks and cleaned up.  I skipped laundry today because I booked a hotel in Logrono tomorrow.  We will see how I do in the bunks tonight.  At least I have the lower bunk tonight.

I booked the albergue dinner tonight and that should be fun.  They promised instruments and singing.  I will be watching!

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