Sunday, October 16, 2022

Day 15 - Boadilla to Carrion

The albergue dinner at the hotel last night was ok.  There was a starter course of lentil or pumpkin  soup - enough for seconds - and a second with actual chicken or beef.  Wine and bread of course and an ice cream bar all for the standard 12€.  I knew a  lot of people in the room but many I hadn't spoken with.   There were four Brazilians - one couple I had been passing since the first day, a Croatian woman and a French girl Grabriela.  Afterward Tom, Winard from Netherlands and I had a beer or two before bed.  Young Max and French girl joined us.

I was on the road at 7:20 and walked under the moon until it finally got light after 8.  We walked the tow path of a canal for a bit.  I passed Marie and we walked together to the bar in the next town.  Cafe con leche and, as I learned from Marie, a Napolitano which I had been calling a chocolate croissant.

There were a large number of of pilrgims there.  Alejandro and his dog I see all the time but have not talked with much.  His dog is so well behaved.

The rest of the day I walked alone and at times it was kind of hard.  The scenery is not great and you can't see the towns off in the distance like before.  Many of these town are in gullies and often you can't see them until you are almost in them.  One town I saw a sign that said the town was in 50 meters and I couldn't see it.

Today was mostly along a road.  We had a separate path and the road was not busy but it was along a road.  It was a grindy kind of day and looking at the next few days into Leon it is a lot more of the same.

Between markers 8 and 7 to Carrion I inhaled one of the million smalls flies buzzing my head.  That is the worst.  I'm not sure if I coughed it up but I felt it for hours.  I probably will have baby flies coming out of my mouth soon.

The Hostal Plaza Mayor is a nice place on the main square and I have a balcony overlooking where I am having a beer right now. I got in at 2 and I needed the extra recovery.  Tomorrow starts with a 17km section of nothing.  I might try to be on the road at 6am and get a lot of it done in the dark.

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